JR WPH Pittsburgh Summer ‘17

Pittsburgh, PA, WPH Press- Amerifit HB Club has hosted multiple Jr WPH clinics this summer, with WPH Certified Coaches heading high-energy classes for newbies from Pittsburgh and Eastern Penn State. July’s clinics kicked off with the Hope in Handball team at the RFC-9, then with clinics for high school and collegiate athletes at the home of the Rodney Fink Classic.
“Throughout July, Pittsburgh’s WPH Certified Coaches worked with young people that are very serious about handball and others that are using handball as cross-training for their upcoming high school and college sports seasons,” stated WPH Master Instructor David Fink. “Several of the cross-training athletes were collegiate lacrosse players, who really picked up the game quickly and had a great time. After struggling to rally initially, the lacrosse stars rallied 18 consecutive times and finished the lesson with a game to 11.”
To read about the Hope in Handball Clinic at the RFC 9 early in July, go here
Pittsburgh’s Amerifit Handball Club is proud to host year-round junior clinics, gathering dozens of young people each year into the WPH RFC’s home courts.
Keep an eye out on juniorhandball.org, as new clinic opportunities and recaps pop up weekly. Want to coach a clinic or a junior handball program? Need more information regarding junior handball? The Junior WPH group spans multiple countries, continents and oceans with clinics happening daily. We can help! Contact WPH Development Director David Fink at fink@race4eight.com
To enable Junior WPH to continue to host junior handball clinics and tournaments across North America with Certified WPH Coaches, the World Players of Handball invites you to make a tax-deductible donation today in supporting the growth of the game. 100% of the donations received by the WPH go towards junior handball development. Donate on-line here, or send your generous gifts through PayPal (extremehandball@cs.com) or by mailing checks to: WPH, 3561 E. Sunrise Dr. Suite 125, Tucson, AZ, 85718.
Posted on: July 31, 2017, by : DV