What a Day in Tucson

Four of next week’s top six seeds were in action at the Tucson Racquet Club this morning, as world champion Paul Brady sparred against R48 top 8 pro David Fink and WPH R48 #1 Luis Moreno sparred against three-time Race champion Sean Lenning. Before the sparring sessions, Fink and Lenning picked up games with several of the FLF standouts. “I cannot believe how good these kids are getting,” revealed Fink. “These kids are improving every time I see them.”
Locals honed their games in advance of next week’s event, while also watching a Tucson R48 IV Stop #2 preview. “You can’t get this anywhere in the world,” barked WPH board member Jeff Healam.
The Junior WPH Warriors took the court immediately following the pro exhibitions, as Coach Tanner Cleveland led his charges through the Warrior’s second-to-last practice session before the Tucson R48 and Junior WPH Benefit, Powered by ESPN and EDTL Handball.
To enter next week’s Tucson R48 and Junior WPH Benefit, Powered by ESPN and EDTL Handball, go to http://www.r2sports.com/tourney/home.asp?TID=13037. It’s a No-Entry fee event! All players are asked to make a donation to Junior WPH and the growth of the game.
Posted on: November 1, 2014, by : DV